Message of Hon. Secretary…….

It is our victory to launch our web site of Pradeshiya Sabha, Kalutara among other web sites of Local Government institutions and therefore I take this opportunity to add few words with much pleasure to mark this remarkable event.

The mission, which can be made not only by developed countries but by developing countries with the application of information and communication technology, cannot be under estimated. Further huge interference can be made by information and communication technology in the creation of media culture with new profile.

It is expected that our web site will be a helping hand for general public to obtain convenient and efficient service delivery whilst ensuring paths for the awareness on the development projects implemented by Pradeshiya Sabha , Kalutara for the  benefit of the people. Further we sincerely expect to provide the services, which are being provided at present, more productive and effective ways for the betterment of the people of our area.

I should take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to Hon. Sanjeewa Ariyarathna, Chairman of Pradeshiya Sabha, Kalutara for his valuable guidance and direction in the introduction of this website. In the meantime my sincere thanks should go to my staff, which proved their commitment in making this task a success. Further the Information Technology Resources Authority deserves all the appreciation for the technological services.  Finally I cordially invite the people of the area of Pradeshiya Sabha, Kalutara to visit our website to collect necessary information and also to inform us your comments and suggestions.



Pradeshiya Sabha, Kalutara.